Dry Skin Care

Dry skin is thin and soft. In my youth it was pink with barely visible delicate pores and minor fatty secretions, but is much more sensitive to external influences and stimuli - cold or hot water, limewater, various soap etc. Therefore, to keep for many years in good condition it should be doing more and more spetsiapni care. Without such care your skin gradually flake off and leave because it becomes more dry and elasticity decreases. Unnoticed and wrinkles appear - at first small and barely noticeable (in the corners of the eyes), and later pronounced (on the forehead, around the mouth and elsewhere).

The causes of dry skin is different. In some women, the sebaceous glands are less in number or less active, while other dryness depends on the age, the food, the state of the nervous system, of the endocrine glands, the digestion, work and living. Skin can be degreased and as a result of incorrect hygienic and beauty care - frequent washing with soap, insufficient drying after washing, prolonged exposure to extreme cold, wind or sun, changes in air temperature, excessive use of dry powder, fatty creams toilets alcoholic solutions.

The person with dry skin should undertake serious attention from 25-30 years of age. Among them prominently washing. From soap woman has little or give up. The soap should be thick or at least neutral (soap or shaving). Face wash at night, so that the fat removed at night to further loss of skin. Washing was performed with cold (a temperature of not less than 10 °) or somewhat heated soft water.

If tolerated soap (not browned and no zalyushtva) skin can be washed with mild soap and water every two or three days and the remaining days to clean the factory-made toilet water or cleansing milk. Any woman can prepare such a solution as follows: to 300 ml boiling water 100 ml of milk. Court turns away from heat and allow the mixture to cool and settle until morning. Supernatant fraction was decanted into a bottle. With cotton dipped in it is removed the skin of the face and neck.

When dry skin appear small flakes instead of soap used wheat bran. Wash the face with lukewarm water. Then the hand pour 1 tablespoon of bran and pour hot water until a kashitsa. It is rubbed his face, and with soapsuds. The slurry may be left on the face for 5-10 minutes. It not only cleans, but slightly greasy and omekchava skin. Such an action and cornflour.

It is better to face the evening is spread over 1-2 hours with vegetable oil - the most suitable olive oil. If the grease is not lying to absorb the excess of it is removed with cotton. For the night can be left erased fat only eyelid where the skin is drier and thinner. Before you go to the bathroom, the woman should smear his face with fat (olive oil) or greasy cream.

When dry, especially in very dry skin oil compresses are useful and special masks for dry skin, which can and should be applied every woman at least once a week. When the skin is severely degraded, and it looks like parchment paper, resorting to systematic greasy massage cream or oil (10-15 massage in day two series a year).

Morning face is smeared with greasy day cream. On it can be placed any oily powder. Usually toilet powder avoided because excessive dry skin.

In dry skin avoid steam baths, basement with alcoholic solutions, cologne, hot baths, etc.. Because they severely dry and degreased skin.

Caring for a person with dry skin
In addition to these 'external' care of dry skin on the face and body should make 'home' care, ie to observe proper diet. It is recommended to eat grilled fish, grilled chicken, lamb, beef liver, butter (but not in fat sauce), cheese, curd, cheese, eggs, vegetables, rich in vitamins - tomatoes, carrots, peas, spinach, lettuce, cauliflower. Caviar is prohibited.
Breakfast would consist of tea and a slice of bread with butter and jam.
Before noon (at 10-11 am) and afternoon (at 17 am) to drink a glass of milk (hot or cold), but well sweetened.
Be taken daily at least 1.5 liters of liquids - milk, fruits and fruit juices, tea. Allowed to drink beer and wine, but in small quantities. A glass of mineral water (ice) in the morning on an empty stomach increases secretion of bile and bedtime compensate evaporation of fluid from the body during the night.

Against dehydration of the skin is recommended even before bathing to drink a glass of mineral water or fruit juice and bathing always ends with a cool or cold shower.

Important in the regime against skin dryness has fizkul ¬ ture as a set of physical exercises, sports games, swimming and more. It should not be forgotten Morning gymnastics to a wide open window (with breathing exercises, flexibility, etc.).. If this mode is applied systematically and consciously, it will benefit not only the tone of the muscles, but also the nervous system from which much depends on skin condition.